For 24/7 help, please call the national trafficking hotline at 888-373-7888

Or Text the words "HELP" or "INFO" to this number: 233733


how you can get involved: Click the Images below to financially partner with us

ANY size gift is a blessing! An individual or team gift of $1000 or more will also sponsor a personalized “Welcome Home” paver to line the pathway to the new Hope Home, welcoming the young women to a new life. Click anywhere in the image above to give a gift & secure your paver.

*DON’T FORGET TO add your desired family or team name in the box that says “Additional Instructions” after you click. (19-Character limit

Will you also consider a monthly partnership with us for only $12/mo.? “What can $12 do?” you may ask. Your $12 may buy her the first nourishing meal the young woman has eaten in years. Or it could pay for gas to get to medical care she badly needs. It could even buy her a warm shirt or PJ’s…or maybe your gift will allow us to buy her first Christmas stocking. The power of collective giving is profound. Will you give $12 & possibly share this with 12 friends? Please click in the image above to partner monthly.

This is our general fund for those who wish to make a one-time or monthly gift to support our every day programming. So much goes into the healing for the young women of Hope Home and your partnership helps tremendously. Click anywhere in the image above to make your gift.

Click the photos below to see our latest Instagram posts.